Case Study
Smoking Cessation Innovation
Although smoking levels are decreasing worldwide, a substantial percentage of young people in some markets still smoke tobacco. Most smoking cessation solutions focus on either non-burning devices or non-inhalation.
Neither entirely replicates the experience and the ‘benefits’ of smoking, meaning a large number of young people don’t manage to quit or reduce their smoking habits, despite their desire to do so.
As most of the questions were relational – where tobacco fits within people’s lives, how young smokers interact with their context, an Immersive HD approach was selected.
This allowed us to link psychological observations with respondents’ own contexts.
The presence of a shared space was also instrumental in co-creating solutions with participants.
A new mode of delivery based on a material in the scientific pipeline was selected as the best way to achieve ‘distance’ from real smoking as well as current cessation solutions.
The solution was co-designed and aimed at creating a new category for young people to discover and engage with in their own terms, and share with in their own language.