Hidden Depth Interview
HD Interviews are our bread and butter. They are the first product we developed more than 10 years ago. These interviews have proven themselves super-effective when facing a strategic question that doesn’t seem to have a “logical” answer.
Good for questions like…
Why do patients make irrational choices not in their best interest?
Why do people “fall of the wagon” in behaviours that they profess to desire?
Real life example: Why don’t patients with Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) stick to a life-prolonging medication?
Why isn’t a treatment growing as quickly as expected? Why do people resist a category change?
Real life example: Why don’t doctors prescribe an effective drug predicted to be the next blockbuster for Multiple Sclerosis more frequently?
Why do people say they love a new idea but then they do not act upon it?
Real life example: Why do young men complain of not being able to wear make up to hide their acne, but then they do not buy a concealer designed for their needs?
What unspoken biases prevent clinicians from embracing change? What does it take for a new product typology to break through?
Real life example: What’s the best mode of delivery for anaemia treatment?
How do people really feel? How does this affect their decisions?
Real life example: What does it mean to have terminal cancer?
Structure and Method
HD interviews explore each layer of human motivation and reasoning through a proprietary protocol. Each layer is analysed independently, and then the 3 layers are considered all together – to identify tensions and biases which may create inertia or barriers to certain behaviours, with particular attention to the unconscious and emotional response.
In Practice
HD interviews are 1-2-1 conversations each lasting 2.5 - 3 hours, preceded by an emotional journaling pre-task, which primes the respondent. Interviews take place online or in person.
The number of respondents can vary from a minimum of 24 (this reaches 100% saturation within a typology) to a maximum of 72, with an average project being 32 respondents. In some scenarios (for example, when laying the foundations for communications strategy) we add a small number of recalls (a second interview for 1 - 1.5 hours) to augment our understanding and push further into execution.
Results and Outputs
The whole process typically last about 12 weeks, from data gathering to project delivery. The analysis time is the most critical and time consuming step, as the transcript of each interview is reviewed 3 times to identify macro patterns from micro data.
The result, however, is very sharp, specific and concrete:
answers the question.
explains the constructs which drive the findings.
outlines specific actions the business could take to change behaviour and address the business challenge.
Related Case Studies
A Patient's View of Terminal Cancer
Meaningful Mode of Delivery in HIV